Booster doses of Boostrix (containing vaccines for whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria) are available free to eligible people, and at a cost of $70 to ineligible people. No appointment needed, walk in 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Phone ahead on weekends to check availability.
Boostrix is free and recommended for pregnant people in their second and third trimester. Vaccination protects a baby until it is old enough to receive its own vaccinations. A new booster dose is recommended every pregnancy. People who will be in close contact with a newborn baby, such as fathers, grandparents and other close whanau are also recommended to get a Boostrix dose every 5 to 10 years (this is not funded).
A booster dose is also scheduled for all people at 65 years old. This dose is free of charge and is mainly intended to top up your tetanus immunity. If you are not sure whether you have received this dose, check with us or your doctor.
A Boostrix booster is recommended (but not funded) every 5 to 10 years for people with chronic lung conditions, those who work in health care, and those who work with young children.